Common people who nowadays use a cartridge filler pen - actually the most widely used filler system - can't imagine the long run since the distant year of 1890 when Eagle Pen Co. created the first pen with a glass cartridge ! The pen was not a commercial success probably due to several factors being the more important the fragility of the cartridge and the consequent broken and leakage . The idea was put in practice again during the 1920s by another pen company called Pollock Pen Co. which made the John Hancock pen, but this time with a copper cartridge ; once again and besides the beauty look of some models the pen didn't receive the public acceptance. In 1936 it was the time for Waterman's to try it's luck with a glass cartridge, once again, ( but this time more thick than the one tried by Eagle ) . And once again no acceptance by the public. Only in 1953 Waterman's won finally the public acceptance with the CF model with a plastic cartridge ! The CF ( cartridge filler) model was a streamlined model and the beauty and great variety of pens made them a very collectible with some very sought after models by fountain pen collectors. Besides the cartridge there was also a convertor with a similar shape. These converters are nowadays very difficult to find.
To those interested in history and to be honest we should add that this futuristic looking pen ( thin lines, hooded nib and an opened clip with excellent design ) was possible thanks to the genius of Harley Earl .
The John Hancock pen made by the Pollock Pen Co. Two ladies size pens. Included are an unsual cartridge case holder made with the same material of the pen.As previously said these pens were made on the 1920s and the cartridges were in copper and painted with black ink.
Another attempt was made by Waterman's in 1936 and once again with a glass cartridge but more thick than the inicial ones made by EAGLE.
And finally in 1953 , Waterman's ( once again ) reached the public acceptance with a cartridge filler ( with a plastic cartridge ) with the model CF. " The times were different and,with the rise of the ballpoint, the public was receptive to a new filling mechanism that was similar to refilling a ballpoint. The technology also made possible the construction of plastic cartridges without the associated fragility of the glass." - In " The Chronicle of the Fountain Pen- stories within a story " by João Pavão Martins, Luiz Leite and António Gagean.
The CF model had no great success in USA , despite it's quality and design probably as a consequence of the bad reputation that Waterman's had built in this country . In Europe though, the pen was an enormous success! ( despite that in this same year the Italian Marcel Bich marketed the first disposable ballpoint pen BIC. This was another milestone that changed forever the world of the writing instruments).
The CF model were made in USA, Canada and France ( in this last country until 1970 ).
The CF model it's a stremlined one but very elegant and with a special design which made it very actual even in our days.
Aspect of some plastic cartridges ( not the first ones ) and on the following photo the converters to those who opted for that solution. Obviously that nowadays it's very dificcult to find theses converters in a good condition due to the fact that the rubber its prone to detriorate along the years. It's a problem that would be solved by any private company ( I hope ) because these are nice pens and it will be a pleasure to anyone to use them to write.
A demonstrator CF pen with the first plastic cartridge
The first CF pens were fited with steel nibs and the typical Waterman's globe on the caps top includedd on the clip top
The long section was in a diferent colour of the barrel's colour . Later on the CF was made with two lateral section bands ( chrome, silver or gold plated and fitted with 14 K nibs ( USA ) or 18 K nibs ( France ) .
Some USA models in colorful plastics , in and outside the boxes.
The French Waterman's department made the more nice and luxurious CF models which are nowadays very sought after by some collectors who are focused only in this model!
On the next photo you can see some lacquer pens.
Some gold filled pens
Some sterling pens; the sixth from the left it's called the crocodile pattern and it was made for the well known Cartier house!
And finally my unique CF set in 18 K solid gold over a crocodile cigar case holder with silver trim ( British Hallmarks from 1891, yes, 123 years old ! ) .
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